Charwei Tsai is participating in the group exhibition “Reimagine: Himalayan Art Now” at Rubin Museum of Art.: Artist News

Rubin Museum of Art 15 March - 6 October 2024 
Rubin Museum of Art 150 West 17th St. New York, US Reimagine: Himalayan Art Now


Venue|Rubin Museum of Art



Charwei Tsai presents The Womb & The Diamond and Five Sky Dancers Series as the participating works in the exhibition. The installation work The Womb & The Diamond features blown glass, mirrors, and diamonds. Inspired by the mandalas of “Diamond Realm” and the “Womb Realm” advocated by a sect of Shingon Buddhism on Mount Koya in Japan. Apart from indicating the order of the universe, the two terms also carry an eclectic, non-dualistic implication of firmness and softness, as well as masculinity and femininity. The diamonds in the center of the work represent an indestructible strength.


The materials in Five Sky Dancers Series are mineral pigments such as Cinnabar, Malachite and Azurite, integrating scriptures with different colors and swirling shapes. The series of drawings was made as an homage to the five dakinis, energetic beings in female form. Each dakinis belong to different worlds and symbolize direction, colors, gather, element, emotion, and primary pure land.


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