So Yo Hen | Minus addition

Annual Sale Special Offer
So Yo Hen, 2021

Publisher: Tina Keng Gallery.

ISBN: 978-986-99346-2-6

Dimensions: 210 x 155 x 15 mm

Pages: 197

【Annual Sale 8/17-9/14】


Original Price: 550 NT$

Special Offer: 500 NT$


When purchasing this book on-site at the gallery, you will receive a poster Drawing on the Outlook (limited to 10 copies) .



【Purchase Method


1. In-gallery Purchase:

When purchasing publications on-site at the gallery, you will receive a TKG+ x nomel collaborative hand cream. (Hand creams are available while stocks last)


2. Online Purchase:

Free shipping with a complimentary TKG+ x nomel hand cream for orders over NT$1,000. (Hand creams are available while stocks last)

(1) Please click the "PURCHASE" link above.

(2) Enter your name, email address, phone number, shipping address, and specify the items and quantities in the message field.



【Content of the book】 


The book records So Yo Hen's work minus addition from his 2021 solo exhibition. It display the process that the artist purchased a guitar from a clearance sale at a music store. The guitar was repeatedly smashed to pieces at the gallery, then taken for repairs, and finally returned to the gallery for exhibition after restoration.