Charwei Tsai | The Womb & The Diamond

NT$ 750
Charwei Tsai, 2021

Publisher: Live Forever Foundation.

ISBN: 978-986-99783-1-6

Dimensions: 255 x 212 x 12 mm

Pages: 136

Forward | Yuyu Chen

Curator's Satement | Jau-Ian Guo

The Womb & The Diamond | Charwei Tsai

On Mandalas, Vairocana, Dependent Arising Mantra | Dzongsar Rinpoche

From Spirituality to Feminization of Knowledge: The Works of Charwei Tsai | Alia Swastika

Sumba Ikat | Nency Dwi Ratna

Kalachakra | Khorolsuren Dagvajantsan

Excerpts from Panel Disussion | Ping Lin / Robin Peckham / Jau-Ian Guo / Charwei Tsai

Reading Room

List of Artworks
