2021.11.12 - 2022.03.20
Busan Museum of Modern Art Exhibition Room 2 (2F)
When our everyday lives are shaken by news of stocks, virtual currencies, and real estate booms, and when poor treatment of laborers and workplace accidents are reported day after day, one wonders what connects the dots between these repeatedly arising contemporary issues. The Phenomenal Transition seeks to uncover the operating principles behind our reality, hidden by notions that money makes money, and a growing belief in labor-free income, amidst the steady depreciation of human labor, and the reappearance of workers toiling under increasingly poor conditions, as the main engine behind modern civilization. The exhibition attempts to re-evaluate our present reality by bringing together 13 artworks which explore the repetitive cycles of rise and fall that society faces.
Image Credit
Chou Yu-Cheng
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